Sunday, May 30, 2010


No picture today :-( No cards will be made today or for the next few days, I'm thinking. Our upstairs AC unit is on the fritz. That's not good when it's 98 degrees outside during the day. Luckily our downstairs is holding steady at 74-75, but the upstairs is a balmy 87. My scrapbook room is upstairs so unless I lug a bunch of stuff downstairs (which may happen in a day or two), there will be no creativity going on here.
Our bedroom is downstairs (thank goodness), but kiddos usually sleep - you guessed it - upstairs. So I'm attempting to put them to bed in our room (pack-n-play is back up and one crib mattress is on the floor). Not going so well at the moment. Toddlers don't do well with change, even if it's just sleeping in a different room in the same house. On the bright side, it's good practice for vacation next month.
So I'll keep y'all updated, and try and find some stuff that I've made earlier to share with you, but for now I'm just going to try and keep my cool.

Card Supplies: (All supplies from Stampin' Up unless otherwise noted)Stamps:Cardstock:Ink:Other Stuff:

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