Today, I think, was the calm before the storm. And as I write that, I'm laughing, because my house was not very calm today, with 2 toddlers and a heat index well over 100 that prohibits any sort of outside activity during daylight hours. And yet, today was probably as good as its going to get for a while. Katie starts swim lessons tomorrow and she has them 4 nights a week for 2 weeks, along with her make-up gymnastics lesson plus her regular gymnastics lesson. Petey has swim lessons on Monday (makeup) and Wednesday. The makeup classes are from when we were on vacation. So nights for the next few weeks are going to be interesting. On the one hand, our whole nightly routine is going to be thrown off, not that I'm organized enough to have a strict schedule, but we do have basic guidelines. On the other hand, all this activity will (hopefully!) wear the kids out and we won't have some (or at least as much)of the nonsense that we occasionally have when getting them to go to bed. So why is this important to my blog, you ask? Well, it's my roundabout way of asking you to be patient with me for the next couple weeks. I'm hoping that my nights will still be relatively free long enough to put something together and tell you about it, but I'm just going to have to see how this all goes.
Plus, I have something else in the works: I'm going to have an Open House on August 1st to let the people in my neighborhood know about Stampin'Up. When I signed up to be a demo in June, I effectively took myself out of the stamp club I belonged to, and I'd really love to have one of my own. The first Tuesday of every month was one that I looked forward to, and even though it will be different, I still want to have that camraderie with other stampers, at least once a month. So I'm going to be busy getting things together for that as well. I've asked my mom to help me out and be a guest blogger, but she kind of laughed at me so I'm going to have to let her know that I'm serious. So in case I'm MIA for a day or two, you know why.
Now on to tonight's card. I borrowed some stamp sets from my mom this weekend and had some serious fun with them. Tonight's card used both sets: Greenhouse Garden and Elements of Style. For the two-step stamping of the flowers, I pulled out my handy color coach and decided to use the combos of Tangerine Tango/Cajun Craze and Perfect Plum/Elegant Eggplant. Delicious!!!! The design is loosely based on one that I saw while I was blog-hopping from Teresa Momber.
Card Supplies: (All supplies from Stampin' Up unless otherwise noted)
Stamps: Greenhouse Garden, Elements of Style
Cardstock: Whisper white, Cajun Craze, Concord Crush
Ink: Sahara Sand, Crumb Cake, Tangerine Tango, Cajun Craze, Perfect Plum, Elegant Egglplant
Other Stuff: Brayer, Sponge dauber, Stamp-a-ma-jig, Champagne Mist shimmer paint, Concord Crush ribbon, Dimensionals
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